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Open and Affirming Statement


There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28.


We, the community of First Parish Congregational Church, United Church of Christ of Yarmouth, Maine, declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation.


We believe that as one people of God, we are called to be open to and affirming of all God’s children, including people of any race, gender, age, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, marital status, family structure, gender identity and expression, national and religious background.


We invite all people to participate in the full life and ministry of the church, including but not limited to: sacraments of baptism and communion, rites of confirmation and ceremonies of marriage.


We believe that in diversity is our strength, that being part of something larger than ourselves increases our faith, that inclusiveness brings us closer to following Christ’s call to love one another, as we love ourselves.


As an Open and Affirming Church, we celebrate all relationships founded on the principles of God’s love. We embrace the responsibility to work against all forms of discrimination and to promote the understanding of God’s inclusiveness in this community or faith.

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